Episode 148: What exactly is Light Language?

‌Have you heard this term thrown around in the spiritual sphere. Do you know what it is? I didn’t until 3 years ago when I started to quietly receive an activation and transmission in Light Language.

Join me whilst I share my personal understanding of it and what it is.

Find out more and how you can experience my Light Language sessions here:


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Beautiful one. Thank you for being here and listening. It would mean the world to me if you would hit subscribe and stay connected to Woman Awake– join me on this journey of awakening. Your feedback, comments, reviews and shares will always be gratefully received but also help us to reach more mamas who need support as they navigate the choppy waters of motherhood and all it asks of us.

Love + light,



Episode 149: The Power Of Your Words.


Episode 147: The Belief That You Are Not Good Enough.