Episode 149: The Power Of Your Words.

‌Words hold power, wisdom and the magic of sound frequency to manifest, heal and awaken. Words carry weight and meaning. 

There are some words that hold a particular vibration that when say/recite/chant them we get to plug into that particular frequency. Especially words that have been uttered thousands upon thousands of times with the highest of intentions. We plug right into that frequency when we also harness the word.

Like all good Catholic girls, I can effortlessly recite the Hail Mary and the Lords Prayer in English. These are words impossible to forget and ones I used to automatically rattle off in times of need in a someway disconnected and desperate way.

Through my own Priestess Pilgrimage within The Magdalene Lineage I was gifted the Hail Mary and Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic and the true translation.

The Language of Mary Magdalane and Yeshua. The original language that Yeshua would have spoken when he first shared The Lord’s Prayer.

It’s through these high vibrational words and prayers that I have accessed deep nourishment, healing and holding. I’ve come to embody the light of these words instead of simply reciting them robotically.

It’s through this journey with the Aramaic Magdalene Rosary that I’ve been reflecting upon the power of words and the frequency they hold. A frequency that acts as an activator, awakening something within us that we are ready to embody and live from.

When we are intentional with words we speak and think, chat and prayer, we then have access to powerful codes of healing and even Ancient Wisdom that is then awakened within us. We come to feel so much more powerful and sovereign.

It is is a homecoming. A light infused, frequency raising practice harnessing sacred words and prayers with sacred intention that feels equally miraculous and delightfully grounding.


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Beautiful one. Thank you for being here and listening. It would mean the world to me if you would hit subscribe and stay connected to Woman Awake– join me on this journey of awakening. Your feedback, comments, reviews and shares will always be gratefully received but also help us to reach more mamas who need support as they navigate the choppy waters of motherhood and all it asks of us.

Love + light,



Episode 148: What exactly is Light Language?