Episode 147: The Belief That You Are Not Good Enough.

‌In this week’s episode I briefly dive into what is a very huge component of the healing work I do with my client’s. The core beliefs of ‘I am not good enough’ and ‘I am not worthy’ unfortunately feature in 90% of my client sessions.

So many of us live from these beliefs. These beliefs are not our truth, and whilst we know that this isn’t our truth, we still can’t help by enact and behave as if they are.

There is a disconnect between our head – which understands this can’t be true – and our heart, soma, energetic experience that unfortunately is governed by this insidious and weed-like belief systems.

They infiltrate all areas of our life – we act as if we truly aren’t worthy or good enough. It’s heart-breaking to see how powerful these beliefs can be, especially as their inception point often began in early childhood or even pre-conception, through family genetics or past lives. It runs deep.

I share with you the way I try and help my client’s unpack and unpick these beliefs; how we spiral from the top down before entering any memories or traumas.

And I also share with you my favourite point in the healing journey- one filled with so much lightness, joy and laughter.


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Beautiful one. Thank you for being here and listening. It would mean the world to me if you would hit subscribe and stay connected to Woman Awake– join me on this journey of awakening. Your feedback, comments, reviews and shares will always be gratefully received but also help us to reach more mamas who need support as they navigate the choppy waters of motherhood and all it asks of us.

Love + light,



Episode 148: What exactly is Light Language?


Episode 146: What Does It Mean To Awaken The Womb?