Priestess, Seeker, Self Healer, Mystic.

I am here to teach, speak my truth, and authentically share and guide from an ancient pool of wisdom.

Claire is an Ordained Mary Magdalene Priestess, Trauma informed Somatic Life Coach, Womb Awakening Healer, Magdalene Womb Yoga Facilitator, Energy Medicine Practitioner (Breathwork, EFT and Matrix Reimprinting ) and soon to be certified Pleiadean Lightworker - Full Sensory Perception.

Welcome here >

As a midwife to your awakening, I will usher you through your growth and hold the highest space for healing, birth and rebirth in its many forms.

I’m a cheerleader, uplifter and master illuminator.

I see things you may not want to! – with a strong yet gentle palm to nudge you along.
I empower you to heal yourself through potent spiritual medicine and mystical practices so you can masterfully hold, support and guide yourself too.

This work is a part of my soul blueprint.

I’m energetically hardwired to seek out the shadows and transmute them into light. The frequency I hold acts as a powerful initiator and activator - calling you back into the light and turning on your gifts and innate sovereignty.

I am a passionate advocate for devotional and ceremonial work that consecrates our daily lives with gratitude, reverence, ritual, magic and mystery. In my daily life and work I embody Ancient Wisdom Technologies, Mudra and Mantra Practices, Womb/Earth based and Celestial Energy Healing, Powerful Priestess Rituals, Lunar/Solar tracking so much more. 

I believe in the power of letting the body lead and amplifying our own inner guru - accessing our own remedy that is found within our Soma, energetic being, heart and womb. My desire is for you to remember, embody and access your own magic. 


Energy Psychology. Soul + Somatic Embodiment. Inner Child Healing. Shadow Clearing. Space Holding. Practical Magic. Spiritual Medicine. Conscious Awakening. Emotional Alchemy. Cosmic Guidance.

This is some of the rich tapestry of my journey of awakening, healing and transformation. Each has led me into divine service. To uplift and support.

Perhaps these words resonate with your journey, too?

I’ve been awakening and returning home to my essence for many years now – each stage of life opens new portals of consciousness, wounds to heal and space to stretch into. There have been pivotal turning points down rabbit holes of self-study, healing, upgrades and growth.

From each lived experience – in this and every lifetime – that I move through, I am compelled to authentically share and ultimately teach the lessons I receive to those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

I am.

  • I am a truth teller. A soul seer. A joy junkie.

  • I am deeply passionate about the shadows within and the light that burns bright when we heal them.

  • I am lit up by energy psychology and energy medicine. We are, after all, vibrational beings.

  • I am a neuroscience geek. I love how the brain works and the way our bodies keep score. The soma (body) knows and is a powerful portal for our healing and growth.

  • I am a lightworker. I could spend hours shining a light on our unconscious selves, the inner child and ego.

  • I am a beacon of wisdom, love and clarity. I honour women and mamas in Sacred Circle.

  • I am a devoted meditator. I dig the Angelic and Celestial Realm, believe in our Divinity and can easily spend hours in sacred silence.

  • I am wholehearted, authentic, and blessed with ancient wisdom. I am hardwired for happiness but unafraid of the shadows and our inevitable – necessary – struggles.

  • I am an illuminator, a communicator, an expressive being and a natural guide.

  • I am a quadruple Aquarian; my nature demands that I work with many different tools and rituals. I cannot limit myself to one modality

  • I am an Alchemist. I take these gifts and turn them into my own unique and inspired gold. It is this very gold that I harness with my clients.

Claire is a voice for and an embodiment of the Divine Feminine through the wisdom of the womb, Mystery School teachings and the light practices of the Priestess. Returning the Feminine and Masculine to their rightful throne, in Divine Union.

My Archetypes

It’s a pilgrimage and a privilege to step into a place of authenticity and sovereignty.

It’s taken me 41 years to finally own the Rule-Breaking Rebel within that I’ve always questioned, dismissed or disowned. The Wild Healer in me that’s passionate about many powerful gifts. The Intuitive and Psychic me that draws on claircognizant (knowing) and clairsentient (feeling/sensing) ways of intuiting. These archetypes within have been honed over many lifetimes and I no longer deny them as a definitive part of who I am.

Devotion. Ceremony. Ritual. Practice. Healing.

Claire is a healer of hearts and a wayshower of coming home to yourself and your womb - the centre of your magnetic, creative, feminine power and love. She will guide you through your own Divine Feminine Awakening through Womb Wisdom, Energy Medicine, Breathwork, Light Language Activations, Somatic Support, Mystery School Teachings, Ancient Technology Practices and Cosmic healing.

Claire is in sacred service to those who are willing to embrace the fullness of who they truly are and to return home to themselves in mind-body-spirit-soul.

Returning home and embodying wholeness is a journey that at certain times requires us to embrace and make peace with our shadows, core wounds, generational patterns and even past lives that are still affecting our current reality. Claire gently and effectively can help to release the blocks, stories and beliefs that act as sticky webs in the way of our true, authentic and whole self.  

Returning ‘HOME’

A journey that asks us to equally surrender to, accept and humbly have faith in the Divine Plan that often doesn’t make sense yet is always playing out for our highest good. 

“Claire’s voice is deeply healing, mesmerising, hypnotic and loving. Her essence is pure. She radiates a deep and gentle embodiment. She hails from the lineage of the Feminine Mysteries, as far back as the Pleiadian-Venusian star seeding. She calls on the Mary’s, Priestesses of Light - connected to Ancient Lands of Lemuria, Atlantis, Kemut, Samaria, Avalon”.

Alchemical Transformation

In my case, I received an alchemized experience. A slow scorching of the old self as I transformed and forged anew in a gentle burning, yet deeply healing flame. I’ve spent the last 16 years diving deep as a student and practitioner into spiritual and soul-based studies, consciousness work, energy healing modalities, psychology, trauma awareness, movement and somatic based practices. I’ve entered the depths of me in order to powerfully and consciously hold space as you enter your depths too. Every experience, modality, learning or tool that I have loved I now offer as a healer, mentor and guide. If I have experienced growth from it, you will too. I offer you the opportunity for Alchemical Transformation in many ways.

What happens when you throw in years of yoga study and practice, various forms of meditation, energy healing, energy psychology, breathwork, wellness, and motherhood?


Motherhood and Womanhood rebirthed me. A metamorphosis of my being, transforming me over unexpected flames.

The scorching has been real.

Motherhood has been a spiritual fast track. Fast doesn’t always mean easy or fun. I’ve been shown childhood wounds, unravelled the red thread, felt into triggers, witnessed the role of my subconscious mind, and observed the mother-line wounding.

All of it stirred up by the experience of motherhood and brought into my awareness for me to observe, understand and ultimately heal. Part of being consciously alive means there is always more healing and transformation to come. I say bring it on. I’m not one to run from the shadows and the dark nights of the soul because I know it’s in there that the real transmutation happens. Not instantly, not overnight, but it happens. And my GODDESS is it awesome to experience and observe in other mamas.

That’s why birth, matrescence (the journey and transformation of motherhood) and conscious parenting are at the core of my personal and professional focus. I will always be a mother and it will always shape and direct me.

Big stuff. Beautiful stuff. The rebirth of me.

Claire supports others to…

  • Open space within themselves so that they may truly embrace the magic of their life.

  • Clear out old contracts, beliefs and patterns that no longer serve.

  • Cultivate a beautiful openness in their womb-heart-third eye so that they may better create, feel and intuit their way through life.

  • Heal in the best, most aligned ways for their mind-body-soul

  • Trust, open to the unknown and surrender to what is

  • Live from deep compassion for self and others

  • Consecrate life through ceremony, ritual and daily devotion

  • Embrace the magic and the medicine that is accessible to all through powerful, ancient practices, womb wisdom technologies and body-centred energy healing.

  • Live a soul-led life no matter what your life looks like - accessing the divine in the mundane.

  • Dance through life, riding the waves, embracing the constant shifts.

Let’s create magic…

Hear from the women that have been in my spaces here.