Episode 145: The Transmission Of The Mother Current With Sarah JP.

‌This episode is most definitely less of an interview and more of a transmission as I had the absolute pleasure of sitting down with Sarah Jane Perman.

She is a mother, a facilitator of the embodied feminine. She holds powerful soul journeys on sacred lands and curates online programs for women and mothers from The Alchemical Womb to Mother work, mentorships, doula support to rewilding the mother and much more.

In this episode, I asked Sarah to share her story, and what unfolded was a beautiful transmission of truth telling and deep reflection. A circling inward as Sarah navigates life, motherhood, womanhood and the season she is in.
Sarah Shares her story – a life well travelled full of adventure and deep work.

We also dive into where Sarah’s heart lives right now and that is with mother’s and resourcing them properly.
We look at motherhood, the mother current and the transmission of The Mother Priestess
Sarah shares more on The Alchemical Womb and Rewilding the mother – two of her many offerings and programs.
Allow yourself to drink from this wisdom stream and soak in the magic and medicine underneath Sarah’s words. You can feel her essence and her depth – it was such an honour to receive them and share them with you all.


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Beautiful one. Thank you for being here and listening. It would mean the world to me if you would hit subscribe and stay connected to Woman Awake– join me on this journey of awakening. Your feedback, comments, reviews and shares will always be gratefully received but also help us to reach more mamas who need support as they navigate the choppy waters of motherhood and all it asks of us.

Love + light,



Episode 146: What Does It Mean To Awaken The Womb?


Episode 144: Embodied And Less Opinionated.